Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A 31 day Blog Writing Challenge.

31 day blog challenge (1)

Welcome! Yes, I have returned once again. 

Sometimes life gives you challenges to go out of your comfort zone. I have been very lax in updating my blog over this past year. More among the missing than not. Still, I did enjoy writing when I was posting before. 

Posting helped to get me out of my "looking for work" funk that I had been into the beginning part of the year. 

Well, I hope that Cheryl's challenges from www.muppin.com/wordpress/index.php/the-31-day-blog-writing-challenge/ helps me to get back on track. More so I hope it helps me to get out of the "looking for work" funk that I have been getting back into. 

I spent some time in September in NYC. In October I was off to Seattle for a week long vacation with my siblings and mom. For November, we went to NYC for a little less than 24 hours to have Thanksgiving with family. 

I am still traveling, still looking for work, still sewing, and quilting. I am looking forward to this challenge and hope that you will join me on this adventure!

I must remember this, as there is always something to be thankful for. 

Thank you for joining me for a cup of coffee, Ciao for now, 

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