Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Follow my blog with Bloglovin You know that Google is doing away with the Blogs... A major bummer, so I need to download all the old stuff and switch over to another Blog site. Come Follow my blog with Bloglovin so many other Blogs are there and it is easier to be on the same platform.

Ah yes, I have been gone for awhile... Since last seen, we have had another tragedy in my home city and state! I was not at the marathon finish as I had to work that day, but I did have to stay home due to the "stay in place" order that was given. Seems that I choose to live in a scary part of the state. So glad my parents where not here as they live within a mile and a half from the shoot out and the final capture.

In the mean time I have finished my temporary position at the manufacturing company (the Monday after the "stay in place" order was lifted) and I have been DESPERATELY looking for a permanent position.  Have you ever heard the saying "Too young to Retire, Too old to Hire"? That would be me... bummer by true.

So, as I started this posting out, I am moving to Bloglovin and I'd love for you to join me there!

Take care,


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