Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Return from the land of the missing...

From the land of the missing I have returned! Miss G should be smiling as she keeps telling me to get back online!

It has been a very, very busy summer and fall. Back in April my mother told me that she was putting the house on the market and moving to Virginia. Somewhat of a shock, but not over the top. Anyway that translated into, "I'm moving and your going to help me get ready." Hence why I have been in the land of the missing...

This is the house:


It was 12 rooms and a full basement with apartment. From there they moved into a 2 room with bathroom, share dining, living, and kitchen. Talk about major downsizing.

In June she decided that she was going to have a party... So she invited a few people...

And she put up a tent...

So we partied the day and night away... Lots and lots of food, drink, laughter, and memories.

Then it was time to move...Oversized "stuff" to the curb... Lots of recyclables... Goodwill items... Then on August 25th, the movers came to pack everything that was left behind... That took two days!! The 1st day they packed all the items headed for VA, then to NYC, then to upper state New York, and finally all that was staying local... The 1st truck was packed and left for VA on the evening of the 1st packing day. The item that we all held our breath over was the Blessed Mother.

The family who purchased the house are not Christen and did not want the Blessed Mother, who had been in the side yard for over 50 years. 

So, off it went to VA... This is a picture when it got to VA, so it made the trip very well.

The 2nd and 3rd days they finished the packing and filled the truck with everything else. We cleaned up and where on our way to VA on the afternoon of the 3rd day. We stopped in NJ for dinner and then on to VA. 

In the meantime I needed to register a quilt for the guild show in October, before the 30th of August....

I made the deadline, finished the binding and here it is hanging at the show. It is 60 by 55.5 and a combination of half-square triangles and squares all 2.5 inches. It took about a year from thinking about it to done. It was a thank you to Del for driving me back a forth for eight weeks when I broke my right ankle.

Since August 30th I have been to VA and back, NJ and back, NYC and back, back to VA and home two additional trips. I was beginning to wander what my bed felt like at one point during the constant traveling.

I also submitted two DWR quilts for the NYC Mod Quilt Guild Challenge. The 1st is a single block for the small challenge

The 2nd one is a quilt for the Traditional challenge and this was a gift to my sister and her husband on their wedding day. The quilt is very much used and loved.  

Now all I have to do is wait to see if I get an email asking to send either to NYC... I might just have to bring them in person... Then I could also visit family!

Right now I have to fill out another recruiter's 'on-boarding' packet so I will leave you for now.

Thank you for stopping by!

Ciao for now!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mug Rug Swap

I had been part of a FB Canadian mug rug swap this spring. My swap partner sent me the loveliest mug rug early on, which I have not been able to take a picture due to all that is going on in my life right now. I would be very lucky to be able to see the top of my sewing table, never mind where one of my sewing machines would be located.

Anyway, this past Friday night I went to Finish It Up Friday in Cambridge and made up a cute mug rug for my swap partner. I did not get a chance to finish it up until Sunday evening... Life is busy... I was able to get to the Post Office yesterday afternoon and it is now on it's way to Canada.

Now I need to take a picture of the one I have and post it, here and on FB.

I have been teased that I have not been online posting to my blog of late, yea, I have been working.

Hey Miss G! Hope you are enjoying your boys home for the summer and the fact that I am back posting!

Thank you for stopping by :)

Ciao for now!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday morning :) Checking in after a long break... again

Ok, so Google Reader has gone away... A few of the blogs that I have seen on Facebook today have dead links. I am wondering if this blog will be among the dead as well.

I am temping at another position, within healthcare, not far from home. This morning hubby had to drop off his car in Wellseley, pick up my parents car in Newton Corner, and go to work in Cambridge... So I got to get up early, follow hubby to drop off his car, drive him to my parents house, and then drive to work...

I do have the most wonderful husband :) Just saying as today my parents return from being away for a week and a half and he is going to take off 1/2 a day to go pick them up. I am sure that he will also be doing some shopping with them afterwards as  there is nothing to eat in the house.

As I said before, I hope this blog is working and posting... it is a strange blogging world without Google Reader...

Ciao for now!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

If you have been using Google Reader to keep up with your favorite blogs, you received noticed a LONG time ago that it was going away. You probably thought, “Oh, I have plenty of time.”

Not anymore! On Monday (TOMORROW!!!), Google Reader will be no more. If you’ve been using it to read my blog posts, start following me by email or Bloglovin’. Don’t know what Bloglovin’ is? I’ve got you covered!

Bloglovin’ is a fun, new way to keep up with your favorite blogs. Here’s what you need to know about switching:

1. It’s easy, I swear!
The process to set up your account is quick and simple. Check out my detailed instructions below to guide you through the process step-by-step!

2. You can import your blogs from Google Reader with the click of a button. 
Yup, no manual adding blogs for you! Bloglovin’ will take care of it for you, easy peasy. See my guide below for more info.

3. There’s an app for that. 
Prefer to read blogs on your mobile device? No problem – Bloglovin’ has you covered! Download the free app for access to your favorite blogs when you’re on the go.

4. Organize your blogs. 
I’ve divided up my blogs into a couple different categories: cookie blogs, baking blogs, general cooking blogs, home improvement blogs, funny blogs, etc. You can create your own categories, so the possibilities are endless!

5. If you’re a blogger – claim your blog easily AND get more pageviews!
You can claim your blog by adding in a verifying link to the top of a post. From there, customize your profile and more! PLUS, and this is a biggie, if a reader decides to read your entire post (rather than just an excerpt), they click over to your blog – resulting in additional pageviews!

Setting up an account with Bloglovin’ (detailed, step-by-step, no fail instructions!)

Go to www.bloglovin.com. Your screen will look like this:
setting up an account with bloglovin
Oh, look at that, a big, blue “join” button! Just what you were looking for. Click on it.
setting up an account with bloglovin

You can choose to set up an account with Facebook or by email. I chose email.
The next screen will look like this:

setting up an account with bloglovin

You will receive a verification email at the email address you provided. Click on the link in that email. I got my email immediately!

setting up an account with bloglovin

Now for the fun part! All of those blogs you follow with Google Reader? You can zap them over to Bloglovin’ with the touch of a button! Click on “Import from Google Reader.”

setting up an account with bloglovin

You will need to give Bloglovin’ permission to access your blogs and move them over from Google. Click “Accept” and you’re all done and ready to start reading your favorite blogs with Bloglovin’!

See? I told you it was easy! Now, go forth and start enjoying Bloglovin’!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Art to attend

Oh what a weekend! Tomorrow, June 1st is my husband's birthday. We are off to a Quilt Show in Watertown, MA. Yes, that is the city that the Boston Marathon Bombers fled to and where captured. So this morning I am checking out some of the sites for quilt show info and I came across this one Studio Art Quilt Associates, Art Quilt News which points out that there are some amazing things to do over the next few days and months.

So I am off to work this morning and FIUF this evening :) So looking forward to FIUF as I have not been in a while!

Ciao for now!
Take care ~ J

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Working ... for a little while...

I think the hardest thing about being over 50 is finding a permanent job. I have come to the conclusion that I am 'Too old to hire, and too young to retire' and will be forever in temporary positions.

So that is where I am presently, working at another temporary position. Should I admit that I am not doing anything? I don't have access to any of the software that I need to be able to do any of the Account Payable or Account Receivables. I can't create any purchase orders, order supplies, or do anything! So, I bring my iPad and read... I really wish I could have my sewing machine here! I would be able to do so much!

I am working on a thank you gift of a pixelated version of Bob Marley from the album cover One Love.

It is a lot of 2.5" squares and half-square triangles... This is the mapping of the fabrics and placement of the squares and triangles...

So this is where I am up to as of last weekend...

So now all of the rows have 28 blocks sewed together... Now I am sewing the rows together and it is slow going... The disadvantages of having to work to support my quilting habit.

Thank you for joining me for a cup of coffee... Ciao for now!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Follow my blog with Bloglovin You know that Google is doing away with the Blogs... A major bummer, so I need to download all the old stuff and switch over to another Blog site. Come Follow my blog with Bloglovin so many other Blogs are there and it is easier to be on the same platform.

Ah yes, I have been gone for awhile... Since last seen, we have had another tragedy in my home city and state! I was not at the marathon finish as I had to work that day, but I did have to stay home due to the "stay in place" order that was given. Seems that I choose to live in a scary part of the state. So glad my parents where not here as they live within a mile and a half from the shoot out and the final capture.

In the mean time I have finished my temporary position at the manufacturing company (the Monday after the "stay in place" order was lifted) and I have been DESPERATELY looking for a permanent position.  Have you ever heard the saying "Too young to Retire, Too old to Hire"? That would be me... bummer by true.

So, as I started this posting out, I am moving to Bloglovin and I'd love for you to join me there!

Take care,


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Life wasn't meant to be without mistakes. It wasn't made to be without change. Change happens every single day, every single minute. And there is no mistake except the failure to accept change.

I have been running around since before Christmas and my blog has suffered greatly. I spent Christmas with family in the Boston area. Two days later I was winging my way to Midland Texas to spend ten days in an Acute Care facility being an advocate for a dear friend. I came back and spent the next two weeks trying to catch up with work and home stuff. 

Then three little munchkins came to visit :) Grandkids :) As two of them are allergic to the cat, I was doing a very deep cleaning for over a week. The third one does not appear to be allergic, but time will tell. He does not want to crawl and is almost walking already at 9 months! 

The best part of the weekend was pulling out the Hello Kitty Sewing Machine to sit with my granddaughter to start to sew. The older grandson now wants to learn as well.

It is time to get ready for work, yes I am still at the temporary job, almost a year! Where has the time gone!

Thank you for stopping by!
Ciao for now
J :)